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Rooterville A Sanctuary Inc.
Melrose Park, Florida
Public Relations

Member since 2020-05-15

Session Overview

I'd like the advice of a skilled public relations volunteer. We need help to decide if we should share with the public that if we don't raise funds ($100 - $150k), we'll be forced to kill the farm animals we're currently caring for. Do we make that public? Who do we put it out there too? What should we say, or should we not say anything and just euthanize the animals quietly and carry on? Would love opinions and suggestions with this one.

We are a small nonprofit sanctuary for farm animals, and we did not get the funding we had hoped to receive for 2024. A foundation left us with 70 more pigs than we could afford 2.5 years ago. I've been working hard and doing all I can to find ways to generate revenue to care for these animals and have put myself into significant debt. We're at a crisis point now, and we need to find a way to present the problem to the public and hope that good people will want to get involved to help keep from euthanizing 60 pigs.


Nonprofit Overview

Rooterville is home to hundreds of friendly, rescued farm animals. We encourage people to visit us and have the experience of a lifetime with them and hopefully, they will learn more and make kinder choices. Encouraging Compassion, Inspiring Change. That's what we do.


Public relations